The Space Case Sarah Show
About the Hosts
Space Case Sarah
hosts "The Space Case Sarah Show" here on iRoc Space Radio. When not nerding out about all things space, Sarah is a science writer for Blue Marble Space Institute of Science, lead production assistant for NASA's "Ask an Astrobiologist", a NASA/JPL Solar System Ambassador, Sidewalk Astronomer, Analog Astronaut, Graduate Student at UW-Whitewater, and Mom extraordinaire.
Sarah is passionate about space, astrobiology, and talk shows airing above the Karman line.
Space Nerd, Benjamin Salles
is the creator and curator of the Facebook SciComm page Science Actually, for which he makes daily science memes, monthly top ten lists, and uses it as a platform to speak with other science enthusiasts. Benjamin also loves 'counting things that don't need counting', and one of his favorite hobbies is making data visualizations about, well, anything - he's made a map of the Solar System that looks like the famous London Underground map which has been published and presented in conferences around the world, created a customizable Perseverance Mars Rover parachute that you can print at home, counted every single drink James Bond had in every film and learned that a martini is not his favorite, and he's even built an interactive chart of every single time he's done the dishes to perfection in an event he's called a Dish Singularity. On his bookshelf are The Physics of Baseball, The Physics of Superheroes, and Carl Sagan's Cosmos.
Benjamin's a husband, father of three, the glowing center of his dog's universe, sub-par handyman, reluctant little league coach, lover of Lego (just the space sets), and a militant believer that a hot dog is not a sandwich and that Pluto is a planet.
Space Nerd, Kovi Rose
is a physics honours research student at the University of Sydney with a BSc from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His group studies radio emission from high-energy astronomical transients like supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, neutron star mergers, and more!
In 2016 Kovi created Fun Fact Science, a social media science communication platform, and has since worked with an international community of science communicators and educators on a number outreach campaigns and conferences; centred around topics like women in STEM and astronomy.
Kovi has also worked for the Ramon Foundation in the SpaceLab program, taught in the Young Astronauts program as part of the Hebrew Youth University, and currently writes for covering stories about space, astrophysics, and STEM.